Gasalini Clear Fecal Paranoia From US Elections 2016 Yoga

(F) Personal Maintenance/Gasalini Toilet Yoga


(D) Client attended a 60 minute Gasalini Toilet Yoga Class today in a solo setting. The series «Clear Fecal Paranoia from Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders» was completed by client. This is a Gasalini Toilet Yoga Method used to crap on Sanders, Clinton, Palin, and Trump Posters providing a safe and solid foundation to engage in lower body movement exercises. Various burping and farting exercises were performed in tandem with the act of repudiation movements.


(A) Huevalini directed client into a well-defined set to stimulate and strengthen the intestinal system and acts of repudiation to remove paranoia against the above offenders. Pt reported a decrease in stress and a profound deep relaxation after this set. This was followed by fifty five minutes of the symphonic toilet allowing the energy generated during the class to consolidate and integrate into the client.


(R) There is continual benefit from Gasalini and Huevalini Butt Toilet Yoga throughout the weeks and months.

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